Prime Time News


Desember, 2021.


Due to the twitter’s new policy, I am inclined to mention that I am not actually the real Ahn Toil or do I have any connection to him or whatsoever about him. Everything written in this character’s story is solely for the purposes of writing and roleplaying. It is an unintentional coincidence if there are similar characters and storylines. This character’s story is also inspired by various types of stories with the theme of crime and serial killers, but they are not directly applied but rather through the writer’s development process.


I. Fictional Character
• Original Character
• Criminal
• Serial Killer
• Psychopath

II. Plotting

III. Relation - Loveship
• Based on storyline
• Based on chemistry

IV. Additional discussion
• Relation
• Plot

V. Brackets
• :. for out of character
• #Maestro for muntalk

VI. Faceclaim
• Stage Name: TOIL (토일)
• Birth Name: Ahn To-il (안토일)


Desember, 2021.


Name: 魏 Bazzi (Wei Bazzi)
Nickname(s): Bazzi, Ba.
Birthdate: December 30th 1993
Birthplace: Kowloon City District
Nationality: Chinese
Ethnicity: Asian
Occupation: Butcher
Hobbies: Cutthroat-ing
Education: -

This is his unforeseen self’s story. He was born to a woman he had never met before. He was forsaken since he was a baby. Fortunately, he was discovered by a butcher lover. He then grew up in a loving surroundings, leading a decent life. They are not a roaring success, but they are well—off.

He was not formed as a child in general, he was not a child who liked to play around, but he preferred to observe his surroundings and be silent. He enjoys perceiving various
scenarios, both good and bad. Despite this, he always showed his love and respect for his adoptive parents. Until one day in his adolescence, when he began to realize something that made him appear to be alive again.


Desember, 2021.